Exeter School – Summer Soirée, 14th June 2024

with Alison Burnett, Isabelle Morris, Felicity Partridge, Elle Williams – Sopranos & Jessica Carter- Piano

Not only are Isabelle and Felclity  in the middle of their ‘A’ level exams at Exeter School, but they are busy preparing to take their  Singing ATCL Recital Diploma exams at the end of June.To get to this level at school age  is quite a rarity but such is their dedication and commitment, it seemed the perfect way to end their school careers, by giving them this extra challenge.!!
They will present most of their programmes to you, and the classical repertoire will cover many genres. From Purcell – Sweeter than Roses and Handel Rejoice Greatly, to Mozart Dove Sono; Mendelssohn – Hear Ye Israel; Schubert – Ganymed and Strauss – Zueignung and Desire in Spring by Gurney, will all be included.
To give them just a little break, three of the visiting music team will also bring you piano solos and vocal duets, all coming together at the end for a final flourish!

Come and join us in a more informal setting around tables and with complimentary ‘nibbles’ – just because it’s summer!

We are very grateful to Mr. B. Hadley for his sponsorship of this concert.