Amyas Ensemble – Directed by Emily Baines, 22nd September 2023

Amyas are a period instrument group specialising in exuberant performances of historical repertoire. All of the group members are specialists in the historically informed performance, with many leading the way in cutting-edge research into earlier practices and performing with Glyndebourne, ENO, the Globe Theatre and BBC TV and film. Their performances range from the well-loved classics of the eighteenth century (imbued with their typical flair of course!) to electronic manipulation of medieval songs and dances – and everything in between.
Led by Dr. Emily Baines – Recorders,
Poppy Walshaw – Baroque Cello
Steven Devine – Harpsichord/Organ
Arngeir Hauksson – Theorbo/Baroque Guitar
the ensemble will present their programme – The Ghost in the Machine – which will feature several pieces by Handel, and also Hotteterre, Barsanti and the ever popular ‘Anon’!!!
This is going to be an incredibly fascinating as well as highly entertaining evening so do please come along, bring your friends and welcome these highly respected musicians to the perfectly suited surroundings of the Music Room.